
Friday 30 April 2010

Crackdown 2 Packshot Released

Crackdown was a great game apart from the endless orbs to collect(If I want to collect them all! I will play Pokemon instead) so it should be of little surprise that a sequel is due for release soon. As a result the packshot has just been released today, so here it is in all its glory. (It looks kinda lame in my opinion lol)

Thursday 29 April 2010

Breaking News: Bungie inks deal with Activision [Update]

So Bungie made this "Halo" game some time ago and it became popular. After spending eight or so years being owned by Microsoft they cut ties and are now free to make their own mistakes choices.

Activison Blizzard is one of the industry's mega corporations, recently infamous for their struggles with and eventual firing of Infinity Ward upper management and the mass exodus of employees there after.

Harold Ryan, President of Bungie tries to explain, "We chose to partner with Activision on our next IP because of their global reach, multi-platform experience and marketing expertise. From working together over the past nine months on this agreement, it is clear that Activision supports our commitment to giving our fans the best possible gaming experiences." - Yeah and taking your money.

"Our Constitution remains unchanged. We are still Bungie, still independent, and now we are free to bring our stories to an ever bigger audience," the statement continued. "Once the smoke clears, all the pieces will finally be in place for Step 7. Don’t worry, though. We won’t let World Domination go to our heads. We’re gonna keep making kick ass games on our own terms, and since you’ve been so supportive throughout the years, we’d love to bring you along for the ride."

It has been reported that Bungie's next project will be released for "every" console. We kinda saw that coming, didn't we?


Wednesday 28 April 2010


As you should know by now (simply because I posted it a little while ago) we have a twitter account. That account is linked to some pretty awesome people that say some pretty awesome things. This morning I am greeted with this tweet from @XboxLiveDLC (!)

#DLC Tecmo Bowl Throwback® : Tecmo Bowl Throwback®: (ONLINE INTERACTIONS NOT RATED BY THE ESRB) The legend is... #Xbox

Needless to say, points were added, a game was purchased and you'll get to hear ALL about it soon enough. Like, maybe Sunday perhaps?

Live Action Halo Reach Goodness

The tradition of kick-ass marketing for the Halo series continues with this ad depicting the apparent process of becoming a Spartan. Enjoy.

*If you didn't know already, you can download this trailer on XBL and watch it in full HD goodness as well.

Playdit! is on Facebook (and Twitter)

There is so much going on behind the scenes here at Playdit! There is a facelift for the blog in the works, we're on twitter and now we have a facebook group! Things are moving and changing, even if you can't tell on the front end. We promise.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Podcast Sunday!

In latest edition of the Playdit! podcast we wade through a slow news week, bitch about DRM and do our first retro minute review. Expect a minute review of FIFA World Cup 2010 from EA Sports next week. Don't forget, we are still taking your requests for minute reviews for next week! Enjoy.

Saturday 24 April 2010

New Red Dead Redemption Multiplayer Info

Uh oh. Red Dead Redemption's multiplayer just got even more interesting. My favorite part being when you start out in a Mexi... You know what, just watch the video and see for yourself why you shouldn't be able to wait until May 18th.

Just Cause 2 'Black Market' DLC Announcement!

Over the next couple weeks fans of the game Just Cause 2 will have some more weapons to blow the hell out of things with.

On April 28th the first DLC pack will hit both PSN and XBLM for $1.99 and 160 MSP respectfully and will include:

A F-33 Dragon Fly Jet Fighter equipped with twin missles and quad mounted mini-guns, a multi-lock missle launcher featuring laser-guided auto-lock of up to four targets and Dual Thrusters for Rico's parachute.

Following soon after on May 25th the next pack will hit for the same price. This pack includes:

A Quad Rocket Launcher, a Cluster Bomb Launcher and an Air Propulsion Gun. Think of the last weapon as something you blast things skyward with.

Madden '11 team wants your help!

You've already voted on who the cover athlete should be, now you have your say on the ratings of the players recently drafted into the NFL. Donny Moore, the man responsible for rating every player in the game (!) is setting the base ratings for each player, but EA has opened it up to you to tweak. You can raise or lower the key ratings of each rookie by 5 points and then submit them to the community. Exciting stuff.

Check it out here

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Announced.. oh and other stuff

Nothing else needs saying, just watch the video for Marvel Vs Capcom 2

Dead Rising 2 Captivate 10 Trailer

Super Street Fighter 4

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2

Sengoku BASARA Samurai Warriors

Monday 19 April 2010

Activision to "broaden" Call of Duty's audience.

Thomas Tippl, Activision's CEO and CFO says, "Today, we have three studios working on Call of Duty. We have Infinity Ward, which made Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Then we have Treyarch, which will be releasing a Call of Duty game in the fall of 2010. Treyarch also developed Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty 3. And, most recently, we've added Sledgehammer in the Bay Area. We haven't yet announced the content of their game, but it's going to be an innovative take that will further broaden the audience for Call of Duty."

The history of the Call of Duty franchise proves that Infinity Ward is really the only team that can get the formula right. Treyarch even borrowed heavily from Call of Duty 4's recipe when they made World at War, but unfortunately that game is better known for being able to shoot Nazi Zombies than it was for multiplayer. The creation of Sledgehammer (former Dead Space leads Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey) leads me to believe a "third person action" Call of Duty is in the works. Ugh.

Why am I excited about Red Dead Redemption?

I mentioned on the podcast (what do you mean you haven't listened to it yet!?) that I'm excited about Red Dead Redemption because of the multiplayer element. Check out the details for yourself.

Better Late Than Never? (Ghost Recon: Future Soldier)

I know this has been making rounds on the 'net for a little while now, but just in case you haven't seen it:

Games You Should Avoid (4/19 - 4/22 edition)

Because we absolutely needed a port of this to add to the rest of the piss poor ports to the PSP. Adding to the list of UMDs that will need to be recycled, we have this gem. Fans of the table top game may enjoy this one, but why not just play the real thing? Having played the 360 version, I'd say it's likely more fun.

From the makers of All-Star Cheerleader, we have All-Star Karate. Your boys were going to beat the snot out of each other anyway, why not allow them to do it while holding Wiimotes? If one of them doesn't have a nose bleed when its all said and done, they're obviously doing it wrong.

*As always, here at Playdit, we like to think we're doing our part by letting you know what to avoid so you don't feel guilty in the morning.

Sunday 18 April 2010

In the first (or is it second?) episode of the Playdit Podcast, we do our first "minute" reviews of Splinter Cell: Conviction, Final Fight/Magic Sword and I give my impressions of the Blur Beta. Why read it when you can listen to it summed up in a minute? We also sling some knowledge your way and we keep it all in a nice neat little package. Enjoy.

Got something to say? Send us an email at

Sunday 11 April 2010

Magic Sword FTW!

This week we see Final Fight Double Impact released on the PSN and XBLA, Double Impact contains updated classic games Magic Sword and Final Fight released for around $10 or so (£8 could be the UK price point) Personally I can't wait to get my hands on Magic Sword as it has been a long time since I last played the game. (Some time in the early Nineties in a dingy sea front arcade in Rhyl to be exact) It truly did amaze me at the time with its fantasy styled hack and slash gameplay.

One novel idea I liked was the fact that you could open gates to get a ninja (or some other character such as a warrior, magician or knight) to help you out in the game as you walked along fighting skeletons and a whole host of other creatures. (Including some impressive looking bosses) Magic Sword in my opinion is one of Capcom's greatest games of the 90`s so if you like retro (Why did I have to slag off MegaMan 10 just to be made to look dumb now?) then this is the good kind of retro game that you should be playing.

Final Fight isn't to shabby a game either, so with two classic games for the price of a normal arcade game? You could do a lot worse than pick this package this week. (Like buying the 3D remake of Bionic Commando from the bargin bin for the same price as these two great games.)

Sony's First Play Sucks So Far

Sony's First Play got released this week as some of you may know, for those that don't know about First Play you can check out the video below to see what it is all about.

Now I know that I shouldn't have really expected much from First Play, but after Sony pushing it quite a bit lately in magazines I really thought it would be better than it is. I am now regretting paying £8.99 for a 3 month subscription for a bunch of videos that you can see on the Internet for free. As for the video reviews, they just seem to be a carbon copy of Game Face`s which are also available for free. The one saving grace for subscribing to this shite could be the DLC, but with this weeks being a different parachute for Rico in Just Cause 2 it could be nothing more than window dressing.

Then throw in the fact that you have to watch an advertisement before you can see whats coming up in the next episode and you have one pissed off gamer. Why should I have to pay for something then end up watching an advert for Sky HD, OK I know its only 99p a week but I am still paying 99p so I don't expect adverts to be forced upon me without the ability to skip them. (Made worse by the fact that I already have Sky HD so I am seeing an advert something I already bloody own)

Hopefully as time goes by we will see better things from this official Sony magazine product, yet I doubt we will unless something changes are made, heck just let me skip the adverts and I will be a bit happier. Hopefully the exclusives and other stuff will appear soon as promised, but until then save your money for something better.

Friday 9 April 2010

Moustached Plumber Strikes?

Someones mum (Your's maybe?) had a bit of an accident today while out shopping, this was due to her being intoxicated while driving her spaz buggy around town. The pissed up woman crashed through some barriers and into a trench dug by the local lazy arse council. She then just sat there for 2 hours complaining that some moustache wearing plumber had thrown some turtle shell at her, which caused her to swerve off the road to avoid being hit and ended up in the ditch. These claims were laughable though since moustache's haven't been seen in Britain since the early to mid 80's.

Crazy Lady's Spaz Buggy Crash

She is due to appear in court later this week facing charges of Drink Spaz Buggy Driving, Damaging council property and being in possession of an offensive looking coat. Personally I think a game called "Spaz Buggy Driving" which involves racing and avoiding and throwing turtle shells could be quite interesting, so lets hope that a developers jumps on this idea soon. Then again a plumber with a moustache being in a videogame? Hell no to that idea, thats just retarded.