
Sunday 11 April 2010

Magic Sword FTW!

This week we see Final Fight Double Impact released on the PSN and XBLA, Double Impact contains updated classic games Magic Sword and Final Fight released for around $10 or so (£8 could be the UK price point) Personally I can't wait to get my hands on Magic Sword as it has been a long time since I last played the game. (Some time in the early Nineties in a dingy sea front arcade in Rhyl to be exact) It truly did amaze me at the time with its fantasy styled hack and slash gameplay.

One novel idea I liked was the fact that you could open gates to get a ninja (or some other character such as a warrior, magician or knight) to help you out in the game as you walked along fighting skeletons and a whole host of other creatures. (Including some impressive looking bosses) Magic Sword in my opinion is one of Capcom's greatest games of the 90`s so if you like retro (Why did I have to slag off MegaMan 10 just to be made to look dumb now?) then this is the good kind of retro game that you should be playing.

Final Fight isn't to shabby a game either, so with two classic games for the price of a normal arcade game? You could do a lot worse than pick this package this week. (Like buying the 3D remake of Bionic Commando from the bargin bin for the same price as these two great games.)

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