
Sunday 30 May 2010

Games You Should Avoid In June 2010

Well another month and another list of shite games that you need to avoid. This month sees a lot of random DS and Wii accessories released. Wii lightsaber & Darth Vader sensor bar holder being some of the most retarded ones I have seen. I could do a whole 5 blog posts on some of that crap, but since this is "Games You Should Avoid" and not "Shitty Accessories You Should Avoid" I had best continue on. So what should you avoid this month? Well there is only one way to find out and that is by checking out the list below...

Now personally I think this is a good idea 3 games in one pack with the proceeds going to charity, the selection of games and the price however is a bad thing. (£30 for all 3 games) When you consider that you can buy the games for less than that brand new individually. (Fuel is £7, Sega Superstar Tennis is £5 and Tomb Raider Underworld is £9 giving a total price of £21) So for that reason alone this pack of games makes this months "Games You Should Avoid"

A game based on riding a bike with no engine can be fun as Paper Boy proved back in the day and er... BMX XXX?? (Really clutching at straws here as the only other games I can think of are Dave Mirra's and Matt Hoffmans games) Now a game based on the Tour De France may not actually be that bad ( It probably would be a steaming pile of poop though) yet a game based on managing a rider in the Tour De France? What the hell are they smoking to let this game be produced never mind seeing a release.

Games are supposed to be fun to play, if I wanted to exercise I would go swimming, ride a bike or do some other activity. I don't need a glorified fitness dvd on a console and neither do you. Just put down the burger and take the dog for a walk or some crap like that, you really don't need this game to exercise.
Do I really need to point out why this game should be avoided? If you want to play something like this then get Sim City for your PC and play a proper game.

I don't even know what Pilates is, it does sound pretty painful though and looks a lot like another fitness game. So once again avoid this pile of crap.

U Fitness? Yet more shovel ware for us all to avoid. How many more of these Wii Fit style games (I use the term games loosely as these clearly aren't games) are going to get released? Nintendo used to be a firm that demanded quality, it now appears that they don't give a shit what is released on their systems. Shame on you Nintendo, shame on you.

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