
Sunday 16 May 2010

First Play Really Not Worth It?

I subscribed to the UK only First Play on the PS3 after being intrigued by the exclusive previews, reviews and downloadable content due each week. The series is now 6 episodes in and the the previews are really nothing that you can't see on youtube or any other gaming site on the net. The reviews I never bother with and the whole thing makes you sit through un-skippable adverts for games. (The first 3 episodes kept showing Just Cause 2, a game I already owned and have no intention of buying again)

The real reason that myself and most others subscribed to First Play though is for the downloadable content, which so far has been lack luster at best. In the first episode we got a Just Cause 2 treat in a Firestorm parachute (It has flames on it) to use in game. (Except it doesn't seem to work for some reason) Also thrown in was a First Play theme (It looks ok but with dynamic and better looking themes being available for free you really won't use it)

The second episode came with a Mini called D-Cube Planet (which isn't all that great to be honest) and something that I will probably never play after my first 10 minutes with it.

The third episode came with episode one's releases again for some strange reason.

The fourth episode came with episode one's releases yet again, so really wouldn't have been a purchase for me had I not subscribed.

The fifth episode was released with a new theme (Enslaved) and yet another new parachute for Just Cause 2 (The board meeting must go something like this, Boss: "If your a gamer what would you want as free DLC?" Marketing person: "Parachutes, everyone wants more parachutes for Just Cause 2 to really enhance the gaming experience" it's retarded if you ask me as that's the last thing I would want to receive)

The sixth episode came with surprise surprise the Just Cause 2 parachute released yet again and a Kane & Lynch theme.

The jungle drums are saying that the next 3 or 4 episodes will come with a free mini in each episode, personally I think this is a last gasp effort to keep people subscribing to First Play. I know that as soon as my subscription runs out I will be cancelling (Something you have to do as the damn thing auto renews unless you cancel it) and just picking up the odd episode here and there based on the content included.

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