
Friday 4 June 2010

30 Something And A Gamer?

So you reach 30+ years old and your time spent playing video games starts to diminish bit by bit as other things get in the way like work and kids. So any time that you get to spend playing anything is a godsend, well I had such an opportunity tonight after we had eaten our tea (Tea is also what we call the evening here in the UK not just a drink) as the kids were playing on the trampoline.

O'Lean the Irish Tramp

After about 10 minutes messing about renaming folders on my PS3. (OCD for the loss, I started putting games into genres before returning them into the correct format of A-Z just 5 minutes later as it was bugging me) then the worst thing in the world happens the kids decide that they want to play on the Wii. The sun is shinning outside, birds are singing and they want to go on the Wii as they are tired from jumping up and down on the trampoline. So here I am using up my valuable gaming time looking for batteries for the controllers and hearing them argue over what game they want to play for 5 minutes. (In the end they went for Wii Sports)

So thats a good 20 -30 minutes wasted so far of my gaming time so far, then Mrs Flea comes downstairs and sits in the garden wanting to speak to me about general crap that's gone on today. Now the one thing I have learned is that if you want more time to do stuff like watch football, UFC, Formula 1 and play games then you really have to pretend that you are interested and spend x amount of time listening to this stuff that's using up my game time.

So basically after about 30 minutes I make an excuse saying its to warm outside so I need to go in and get in the shade. (That's sneaky speech for "Ok you bored me enough, I want to go shoot some stuff online see you bye!") Then just as I was walking in the doorway she says "Oh are we still watching that film with the kids at 7.30" So once again I smile and say sure just so I can get back inside to play anything I can. The only problem is that it is now 7.20 and I haven't played anything at all yet and doesn't look like I will have time until later on tonight at best.

Family life can make you feel this good!

This so it seems is the life of a 30 something gamer with a job and family, or should I say former gamer as it seems to be on days like today. There s always hope that us 30 something gamers can find the time to play tomorrow, but lets face it the chances are slim at best which is one of the reasons you get grumpier as you get older.

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