
Wednesday 19 January 2011

Halo Reach Killed My 360

Well I thought I had better start posting again to get back into the swing of things since I have now moved house. (Although I can only update from other peoples houses as I am still waiting for bloody internet sorting out Grrr!) So any way back onto topic, after getting told to play Halo Reach repeatedly by my mate I decided to give in and pinch his copy and play the game. (Seemed easier than kicking his head in, plus I bruise easily)

So there I was playing the latest Halo game and I have to say that the game wasn't as bad as I first thought it would be. All though that could be down to the vast amounts of alcohol I had induced. So any way so far into the game you fall to the planets surface damaging your suit. It was at this point upon landing that I had to turn the night vision on in the game so that I could actually see anything, as without this being on everything was very hard to see. (Although even with the night vision turned on it was hard to see as everything seemed really glitchy) It was at this point I turned to Mrs Flea and said how cool a feature it was that the fall to earth actually damaged your suit and visor to such a degree that you couldn't see anything after the fall.

Using a gun and jetpack at the same time? Gay!!

Around one hour later I was getting pretty pissed off with the lack of vision in the game, which resulted in more than one or two deaths of my character. When I paused the game the text you get when paused looked perfect, so I thought it must still be part of the game. With this knowledge I soldiered on for around 30 minutes more until I had enough and quit to the main menu. The main menu was the same no glitches at all except for in the background which I put down to the point I was currently at in the game. It was at this point I thought fuck it and quit to the dashboard, once again the dash looked perfect with no signs of anything being wrong. So I turned the 360 off and went off to do some other things.

Around 2 hours later my brother in law turned up to have a look at Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. (He wanted to test it before going to buy it from the store the cheap bastard) Only upon trying to put the game on my 360 decided to give me the finger and flash the ring of death at me. So basically Halo killed my 360, I wouldn't mind but it wasn't all that great a game anyway.

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